torsdag 16 februari 2017

Simple main menu and plans for the future.

This week have been fairly slow on the programming front. Since we're close to the alpha deadline everything we've done is all the basic stuff that we need for the alpha to be able to focus on refinement and level design for the beta.

All I've done this week is creating a basic main menu and GUI. This only posed a problem due to my own inexperience with unity (a very common problem that makes repeate apperances during the entire developement cyckle and I suspect will make several more) which meant that i had to follow  unity tutorials and didn't really do anything that differs from the instruction given in them.

Aside from the GUI and menus, me and Kevin made plans for what has to be done code-wise in the beta development cyckle. The plans consist of moving the spy character through the rooms during the stealth phase of the game.

Just to quickly explain our game before moving on. Our game is "Bullet_Hack" which is a game where you play a spy trying to get to the server room in a building to steal all of the intel from it. The game has two phases one where you walk around inside the building and collect power ups to use in the second phase, which is the hack phase where you try to shoot down spawn points to unlock the door you try to hack.

Right now we have a bunch of scenes that each holds only one room each (see picture above), and we want to change it so we have one scene that holds the entire stealth level with doors leading to different hack levels, almost like a level select screen.
The problem we faced was how we would move the player between the rooms while using the doors to start the hack levels. There were two options open to us; we could make it so the doors open and the player will be able to move between the rooms without the door as an obstacle after the first hack. The second option was to teleport the player between the rooms when a door was succesfully hacked.
This is something I asked Håkan about and he gave the advice that telporting the player was the better option because we wouldn't need to hide the gaps and irregularities our rooms inevitably will have whenever a door was opened.
With this advice Kevin and I settled for the teleportation idea.

1 kommentar:

  1. According to the assignment wew ere supposed to make a blog about one task we did. With that in mind I think it may have been better to focus on the Main Menu and GUI. I don't think the fact that you used tutorials is really relevant at all, you can still share how you did it. That is after all what the assignment is about.
    Other than that though I think you're quite clear on the "planning for the beta" part. I understand your problem and I sort of get the solutions you were considering. I'm guessing it wasn't implemented at the time of writing though, 'cause if it was you should've explained how you did it.
    As a final note, and this is quite minor, the picture is a bit odd. Like what is that green part exactly? And if it's not part of the actual game screen you should've just cropped it out. At least that's what I do. It looks nicer and is easily done in paint.
    I realize I'm criticizing quite a lot, but I hope it's at leat constructive =P

    -Alexander Granell (Couldn't figure out how to comment with my wordpress account on this damn site xO)
